
Alliander Senior developer Python and Java

Senior developer Python and Java



Senior developer Python and Java



Uren per week

36 uren per week


31.03.2025 - 30.10.2025




date-icon10.02.2025 clock-icon15:00
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Rolomschrijving en taakafspraken

Start: zsm na afronding screening
Duur: 6 maanden met optie op verlenging
ZZP: nee
Standplaats: het team zit 1 dag per week, op woensdag, op kantoor Arnhem. 
Screening: Kandidaat moet gescreend worden voordat deze mag starten. Deze screening duurt minimaal 4 weken.
Het kan zijn dat de kandidaat moet meedraaien in storingsdiensten. 

Lift & Shift

The team is responsible for migrating applications to the target environment, ensuring all necessary setup and configurations are in place. This includes preparing the infrastructure, adjusting configurations, and addressing any dependencies to enable a smooth transition while minimizing disruptions to operations.

- Refactor or adjust applications as needed to fit the GridscaleX requirements. 
- Validate application functionality post-migration. 
- Ensure integrations with IAM, databases, and Kafka are operational. 

 We are looking for a Senior developer Python and Java. Where Python is the most important skill.

- Skilled in Python and/or Java for application development and debugging. 
- Understanding of application-level integration with IAM (Alliander Entra and Keycloak). 
- Familiarity with Kubernetes deployments. (pré)
- Good knowledge of Dutch. (pré)


Bedrijfs gegevens


Rolomschrijving en taakafspraken

Start: zsm na afronding screening
Duur: 6 maanden met optie op verlenging
ZZP: nee
Standplaats: het team zit 1 dag per week, op woensdag, op kantoor Arnhem. 
Screening: Kandidaat moet gescreend worden voordat deze mag starten. Deze screening duurt minimaal 4 weken.
Het kan zijn dat de kandidaat moet meedraaien in storingsdiensten. 

Lift & Shift

The team is responsible for migrating applications to the target environment, ensuring all necessary setup and configurations are in place. This includes preparing the infrastructure, adjusting configurations, and addressing any dependencies to enable a smooth transition while minimizing disruptions to operations.

- Refactor or adjust applications as needed to fit the GridscaleX requirements. 
- Validate application functionality post-migration. 
- Ensure integrations with IAM, databases, and Kafka are operational. 

 We are looking for a Senior developer Python and Java. Where Python is the most important skill.

- Skilled in Python and/or Java for application development and debugging. 
- Understanding of application-level integration with IAM (Alliander Entra and Keycloak). 
- Familiarity with Kubernetes deployments. (pré)
- Good knowledge of Dutch. (pré)

De recruiter

Melanie Vries


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