You’re wanting to hire external capacity and would like to stay in control of this process. But how do you find the best professional for the job in such a fragmented contingent labour market? We offer direct access to a graded network of over 51,000 professionals, assessed on quality. Whether you’re hiring hundreds of professionals each year or simply need one professional to start the day after tomorrow, Striive – our in-house developed hiring marketplace – is the solution!
How does it work?
- The HeadFirst Client Relations Manager will send you a demo on Striive and will be on hand subsequently to support you in your quest to find the right professionals and structure your contingent workforce.
- You will be given a key through which to access the HeadFirst online environment. We will ask you to sign a privacy statement, given the sensitive nature of the personal data on thousands of independent professionals and suppliers of professionals.
- Sophisticated search filters and applied AI allow you to search for the right professionals from within a network of over 51,000, graded and assessed on quality.
- Once you’ve found the right person, you contact them by telephone or email. If the individual is an employee of one of our suppliers of professionals, you will be put in touch with that firm’s Account Manager.
- Following a proper conversation and negotiation of the rate, you decide to hire the professional. You let us know, and we take care of the contracting and financial administration for you.
“An easy way to build a contingent workforce consisting of professionals with a work history at your organisation, supplemented by professionals with the right skills.”
Besides providing a balanced solution for recruiting and selecting professionals, Striive also offers a multitude of innovative solutions. For example:
- Simple contingent workforce design;
- Benchmark rates;
- Forecasting and pre-booking professionals (latest feature);
- 24/7 access to contracts and dossiers of hired professionals;
- Real-time report generation.